Evaluation and formulation of development policies, national strategies, projects and programmes
Our programme approach to sector policy formulation aims to allow for a smooth transition from sector policy to programme budget. This should allow a logical and coherent articulation between the sector policy document and the sector programme budget.
This articulation is based on a formulation of the sectoral policy in terms of programmes. Thus, it is the said formulation of the policy in terms of programmes that justifies the term programme approach. The description of the general framework for formulating programmes should facilitate the harmonisation of approaches to the preparation and presentation of sectoral policies.
The proposed approach leads to a unification of documents to arrive at a single reference document for the sector.
Hence, IDF Corporate puts all its expertise to work so that the objectives on the basis of which the programmes are developed must be in line with the vision and missions of the ministry or institution.
Furthermore, the programme is a set of specific objectives to which are associated actions grouping together activities and/or projects, accompanied by means and measures according to criteria of economic activity (branch, sector) or target groups (women, young people, the elderly, the unemployed, etc.) or territory (region, municipality, department, etc.) or administrative services obeying a logic of overall coherence
The determination of the sector's programmes must be based on :
- Prioritisation of needs according to their degree of priority
- Linking activities to objectives
- Matching the means provided for the implementation of activities with the strategic objectives
- The allocation of resources in a more rational way that takes into account sectoral priorities in order to achieve the set objectives (socio-economic effectiveness and efficiency)
- The multi-annual breakdown of the programming of activities according to a coherent, realistic and progressive schedule
Thus, knowing that each programme is composed of actions that group together the activities planned to achieve the specific objectives, the expected results, the evaluation of the costs of the activities and the monitoring and evaluation system of the programme, notably the indicators.
To this end, the related missions carried out by IDF Corporate are the following :
- Identify, select, evaluate and organise the methods and means to achieve the objective set and associated with the programme
- Plan the implementation of the programmes over time (timetable)
- Identify the structures responsible for programme implementation
- Project identification missions and drafting of project documents
- Facilitation of operational planning workshops
- Design and implementation of monitoring and evaluation systems
- Project evaluation - conducting reviews and analytical assessments
- Development of administrative, financial and accounting procedures manuals
- Implementation of the quality approach and monitoring of performance
- Production of experience capitalisation reports
- Feasibility studies for the implementation of development financing instruments